Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Vervorens, Newborn Jaron & Addalyn

With the craziness of returning from the crusie, getting back to work, trying to get the house put together, and start up sessions again, my time is limited. So I'm combining sessions in a blog post to make it easier. I apologize to those that may feel their session doesn't get the blogging attention it is just so full at the moment that I have to do what I have to do to get things accomplished. After the holiday season is over, life will **hopefully** slow down a bit.

The Vervoren Family
I met up with the Vervorens on their family farm just outside Tomah to get some holiday pictures. Despite being as adorable as they are, the kids did not want to have ANYTHING to do with me or pictures for that matter. Oldest, Dane, did AMAZING, but Nash and Sydney didn't want to leave Mom's side. Fortunately, as I explained to Mom, I take ALOT of pictures during a session for just that reason. And, by the grace of God, we managed to get quite a few awesome shots!

Newborn Jaron
Meet Jaron Bernard. He's was the baby on board during big brother, Jayden's, 2-year session. He arrived right before I left on vacation so I was lucky enough to get pictures of him at just one week old. He is the sweetest (and super adorable!) baby and I can't wait to watch him grow up -- just like I've done with Jayden.

Addalyn's Tribute
Beth and I had been planning these pictures for a long time. Addalyn's uncle Matt passed away in 2003 in a car accident at the young age of 16. He was an avid hockey player for the Sparta-West Salem team. We thought it would be a great tribute to him to get some pictures of Addalyn with Matt's jersey that is currently hanging in the hockey rink. Addalyn was not feeling well the day of the pictures and was not a big fan of mine by the time we were finished I'm sure. But they turned out as we'd hoped, in memory of Matt.