Friday, April 6, 2012

Jaxson - 3 months old

Oh sweet Jaxson. I was fortunate to be able to capture his newborn pictures (what seems like only yesterday) and now he's already 3 months old! And he's grown! I loooooove chunky babies. Their little rolls and pudge are so precious -- Jaxson certainly didn't disappoint when it came to that!! But, he was not a fan when it came to taking pictures. He fought us every minute. One might even think he was plotting against us. But Mom stayed calm and upbeat and we eventually got him relaxed and settled down and I'd like to think he enjoyed himself -- I know we certainly must have looked like a bunch of fools trying to get him to smile. Mom is one of my favorites to work with -- she's always so nice and sweet and patient and happy, which definitely makes my job much easier. I can't wait until his 6-month session so I can see him again and see how much he's changed!