Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ashton, Emily & The Youngs

Still trying to play catch-up on my blogging, so here's post number 2 of 3!

You will probably recognize this little man because I take his pictures alot. He's one of my best friends' son and we took some pictures for Christmas. I can't believe how fast he's growing -- he turned two in July and he's one crazy kid! I love him to pieces!

I photographed Emily's cousins a bit ago and her Mom asked if I'd want to take her 8-year-old pictures. We met up in Sparta and the weather was gorgeous -- atleast for a few minutes! Don't let her sweet smile fool you. This girl is TOUGH! She managed to hold it together despite the fact that it started to HAIL half-way through the session! I had a great time getting to know this awesome little girl.

The Young Family
I've known Roxanne since high school, and both her and Bert are in the same Army unit as Jordan. They have two adorable little boys, Ayden and Bert III. We met up on a dreary morning, but with the cuteness of the family, it perked up and we had a great time.