Saturday, July 7, 2012

April & Renato: Married

Meet April and Renato and their awesome kids, Dustin and Colin. They were united as a family at a beautiful wedding service a few weeks ago. They were a dream couple to work with: super easy-going, completely in love, and ready to have a good time -- so was their entire wedding party! Congratulations to the newlyweds and I wish them nothing but the best in their future together!

Jaxson - 6 months old

Sweet baby Jaxson. His smile just melts my heart every time. The little -- er...growing everyday! -- man is already 6 months old, so he came to visit with Mom and Dad to get some pictures taken. It's hard to believe that he is sitting up and has quite a little personality. We got some pictures that Grandpa requested with his Brewers theme. With a face that precious, I can't wait for his 9-month pictures.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Candace - 3 years old

I had photographed Candace's aunt & uncle's wedding and family and so her Mom contacted me about taking pictures for her 3rd birthday! Wow -- what a big personality on such a little girl. She had me laughing for sure! We started out with some outdoor pictures, but it quickly became too hot and we headed inside to get some final shots. It was fun meeting them!

Brayla - 6 months old

I met up with sweet Miss Brayla at her grandparen'ts house on Father's Day to take her 6-month pictures. She was not happy to see me -- but thankfully after plenty of breaks, some food, and lots of helpers, we were able to get some great shots!