Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Otto Sisters

It's a funny story and a small world that I had actually met Delaney before I had ever even met her parents! I remember taking care of her for a few hours every so often out at the daycare when she was just an infant. I hadn't seen her since she was 9 months old -- and I can't believe how much she's grown (yet still looks exactly the same)! Delaney and her big sister, Kayley, met up at my house to take pictures for their birthdays as well as to send some pictures to Dad, who is currently deployed overseas. Their cute little white dresses were brought back from a family trip to Mexico and the very intricate dresses (see bottom photo) were sent home by Dad from Iraq! I had so much fun catching up with Delaney and meeting sister and Mom, too!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Write Family

I had met the Write family back in November when we did pictures for the holidays. Time has flown by so fast and the kids have grown up so much since then!! We met up in Sparta to get some family -- including aunt and grandma! -- pictures. Mom, Dad & the kids will be moving to Florida in a couple weeks so we were able to get together once more before they leave. It's hard in this area when I meet so many wonderful military families and then don't get to watch their kids and families grow. But I am always grateful for the ones that I do get to meet and spend time with -- even if it is only a short time.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Brady - 6 months old

Sweet Brady. It's crazy how much he's grown since his last pictures! Born 6 weeks early, he was so tiny when I first met him just before Christmas. He's definitely not so tiny anymore! :) He has the cutest chubby cheeks and legs and arms and... He's simply precious! We met up for his 6-month pictures with Mom and Dad and then got some pics by himself. He is just learning to sit up on his own and definitely melted my heart with those baby blues! Even more precious -- the blue/red knit outfit used to belong to DAD when he was a baby!